The Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy (CEPA) has highlighted the crucial role of community engagement in adopting clean energy solutions for environmental conservation. CEPA’s Peter Sandula emphasized the need for community involvement in mitigating Malawi’s growing environmental challenges through clean energy adoption.
During a stakeholders’ engagement on clean energy in Lunzu, Blantyre, Sandula urged citizens to embrace clean energy. Francisco Chingoli, Deputy Director for Rural Electrification Programme, reaffirmed the government’s commitment to increasing electricity access to 50% of the population by 2030. However, he noted funding shortages

and equipment vandalism as obstacles to achieving this goal.
CEPA is implementing the ‘Promoting Equitable Access to Clean Energy’ (PEACE) project, supported by the European Union, to create an enabling environment for equitable access to clean energy in Blantyre, Lilongwe, and Salima districts.